About the College of Law & Legal Studies at Mid Island University

Shaping jurisprudence and policy, the College of Law & Legal Studies at Mid Island University is where law meets conscience. Our curriculum spans the spectrum of legal disciplines, from corporate law to human rights, crafting legal practitioners ready to serve justice in an intricate and evolving societal landscape.

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Highest Research

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Embark on a Creative Journey with The College of Law & Legal Studies

Are you considering joining the College of Law & Legal Studies at Mid Island University? If so, you're on the path to a future committed to upholding justice and the rule of law. Our college is dedicated to preparing you for a distinguished career in the diverse world of law and legal studies, where you can advocate for justice and make a difference in society..

Industry-Ready Graduates

Our programs are developed in collaboration with legal experts to ensure that you graduate with the qualifications and practical experience that set you on the path to success in the field of law and legal studies. At the College of Law & Legal Studies, we guide you toward a career in law and governance.

Internships & Co-Op Opportunities

At MIU's College of Law & Legal Studies, we believe in the value of practical experience in the legal realm. Our law and legal studies programs offer various internship and co-op opportunities, where you can work with experienced attorneys, understand the complexities of the legal system, and make a meaningful impact in the field of law. Join us to explore uncharted territory in the pursuit of justice and legal expertise..

Diverse Specializations

At MIU's College of Law & Legal Studies, we understand that the legal field is multifaceted. Our law and legal studies programs offer various specializations, including business law, environmental law, and criminal law, among others. We encourage you to follow your interests and career goals, enabling you to carve your unique path in the field of law and legal studies..

We’re ranked by
the best in the business

Our university takes immense pride in being consistently recognized and ranked among the best institutions in the academic world.

These rankings reflect our unwavering commitment to academic excellence, innovative research, and the exceptional quality of education we provide to our students.

Such recognition motivates us to continuously strive for greatness, ensuring that our students receive a world-class education that empowers them to excel in their chosen fields and contribute positively to society.

See Our Ranking & Accreditation